Winker only interested in himself, says ex slut love

WINKER Cristiano Ronaldo is today exposed as a vain little PLUCKER.
Man U ace Ronaldo’s ex lover Nereida Gallardo reveals the preening Portuguese striker has an extreme beauty regime to keep his body hair-free.
“He likes his body to be smooth all over and would even use a hair removal cream. He would also use tubs of moisturiser, coating every part of his body, at least twice a day,” said Nereida, who has posed for her sexiest ever photos for the News of the World Online.
And Nereida tells on our video cameras how Ronaldo, 23, dumped her by TEXT after eight months. But she had already realised by then that the real love of Ronaldo’s life is . . . Ronaldo.
“His house is full of mirrors so he’s always walking around glancing at himself," revealed Nereida.
He has his initials and the num- ber seven all over the place. It’s on the doors, the coffee tables and there are mirrors everywhere. He loves looking at himself and playing with his hair.
“He has curly hair and liked me to use my hair straighteners to do it for him,” said Nereida, 24 25.
She’s fuming about the way he broke off the romance by text. “He’s a coward who couldn’t end it face-to-face,” she said.
Nereida, who has a sexy new look in our exclusive photos also blames his mum Dolores for their split. She said: “He phones her every day. I wouldn’t be surprised if his next girlfriend is chosen by his mum.” (Source NOTW)