Money makes the world go around... Plus Size Nereida is hungry for money as ticks are hungry for blood. The podgy Mallorcan doesn't speak to Pedro Prieto anymore, she get into a quarrel with Julian Aguirre. The apple of discord is Nereida's fee for a tv appearance. After Cristiano Ronaldo record transfer to Real Madrid, Plus Size Nereida must have thought she is worth 94 millions as her ex boyfriend so demanded a plus size fee to be a guest on IB3 show "Temporada Alta". Bugsy and her agent were insistent she wouldn't do it for a smaller sum.The producers refused and walked away. Yet another rejection. Her claims were already been refused by every Spanish national television. Now Bugsy has only two choices: lowering her fee or return to change adult diapers.
Source: Mallorca Diario
Sunday, June 28, 2009
Plus Size Nereida: For Sale To The Highest Bidder
Posted by Plus Size Wag at 16:00
Saturday, June 27, 2009
Ode To Photoshop!
If you want to become a celebrity but talent is just not on your side, just show skin to get business. These are images of model wannabe Nereida "Bugsy" Gallardo, who tried to have a modeling career but failed miserably. Now, she has been reduced to posing naked for Interviù. She looks hot in some pictures, but they photoshopped every inch!
If you have the non-photoshopped version, please send me to
Posted by Plus Size Wag at 17:45
Wednesday, June 24, 2009
Plastic Boobs No Brain
"I really enjoyed the pictures and my family supported me," said Plus Size Nereida to Correio Manha, on the same day Interviù magazine was launched in Spain. "The photos were taken just a month ago. "At the time she made her airbrushed pictures, Cristiano Ronaldo was not yet a Real Madrid player. Coincidence or marketing maneuver? None of this. We all know Bugsy cannot count so what she thinks is a month is really like 2 weeks ago...
Questioned about whether Real Madrid is her team, the Rabbit Girl clears: "I do not have a specific team."She doesn't like soccer she likes soccer players. Better if they play for los Merengues....
Thanks To Lizzy
Posted by Plus Size Wag at 23:45
Monday, June 22, 2009
Plus Size Nereida Has A Napoleon Complex
This year Plus Size Nereida has signed with a small Model and Hostess Agency in Spain that has updated her portfolio: topless pictures, short bio & curriculum vitae.
HEIGTH: 1'70 (5'6)
BUST: 90 ( 35.4)
WAIST: 63 (24.8)
HIPS:96 (37.8 )
CV: Modeling for aesthetic clinic in Pollença (Palma De Mallorca), catalogue and web model, modeling for aesthetic clinic Riveira, in Portugal, carnival queen in Oporto 2009, model for a new Portuguese firm 2009.
Plus Size Nereida must have though that add a few inches to her height can help her modeling career. I've seen her original portfolio when she was signed with Paraguayan agency Altamodel Management and she's not more than 1,67 (5.4). Seems like humpty-dumpty Nereida has some height complex.

Posted by Plus Size Wag at 23:50
Plus Size Nereida Has Fear Of Paris
Dumped by Real Madrid defender Sergio Ramos and by Real Madrid forward Cristiano Ronaldo , Plus Size Nereida consoles herself rubbing her vagina with a Real Madrid shirt.
Speaking about Paris and Cristiano: "He has nothing in common with that girl because she sells her life, he is quite the contrary. He has always wanted to stay out of gossip. But opposite poles attract each other."
Cinderfuckingella also disagrees with Paris Hilton Beckhams plan: "It was said the same about me. I don't want to criticize (Noooo?!) but they (Paris & Cristiano) still lack something to be the new Beckhams. David and Victoria Beckham dress very classy, they were never shameful. Cristiano needs age and experience to be like David Beckham."
About Paris again "I would not speak ill of her. She lives this way because she can. Since nobody criticize her..." And she says clearly: "He (Cristiano) is never going to see her again and if he would see Paris again he would meet her in Hollywood." Envy is a capital sin, ma Chère!
The Woman Who Stole Her Man - Sausage shaped Nereida isn't brave enough to admits that Cristiano Ronaldo dumped her because leggy Letizia Filippi and get all the blame on footballer mom Dolores.
Posted by Plus Size Wag at 07:15
Sunday, June 21, 2009
Big Boobs Make You Pretty
href="">bikini pics of this 26 years old Mallorcan a bit overweight. The journalist has eyes only for Nereida's huge watermelons which made him forget all her defects. He says: Nereida, Cristiano Ronaldo's Spanish ex girlfriend. She's impressive. Statuesque in a golden bikini we noticed her last summer.

Posted by Plus Size Wag at 18:20
Friday, June 19, 2009
Plus Size Nereida Show Off Her Enormous Curves For Interviù
Posted by Plus Size Wag at 22:25
Plus Size Nereida Repeats Herself Again And Again...

Plus Size Nereida reminds me a stink bug tick. Ticks do not jump or fly, although they may drop from their perch and fall onto a host. It will then insert a probe into the skin and begin sucking blood. The humpty- dumpty Nereida can't sing, can't dance, can't act. She's not pretty enough to be a model. She lives through her famous ex boyfriend. Tickeida did take advantage of Cristiano Ronaldo Real Madrid transfer and appeared on the same Spanish tv repeating the same things she said a year ago sniping at Dolores Aveiro: "She asked son to choose between me and the family".
Credit to Lizzy
Posted by Plus Size Wag at 00:58
Tuesday, June 16, 2009
Fit & Fat: Back Together?
Dolores Aveiro has appealed to
"Dolores was really upset with Cristiano over the way he treated Nereida - she felt terrible for her," the Daily Star quoted a family friend as saying. While many people had thought that Dolores never liked Nereida because she thought she was after Cristiano’s money, but that was not true.
*"Dolores liked Nereida and was certain she was going to be the one. After they broke up Dolores kept in touch with her and tried to help her get over him. Then she told Cristiano to apologise to Nereida, and told Nereida to forgive her son," the pal said.
"Cristiano realised he had behaved badly so he sent her a text saying sorry and they started swapping messages. "He has realised how much he missed her - he has fallen in love with her again. It will be easier for him to see more of Nereida now he will be in Madrid,’ the pal added.
The source said: "Nereida would have gone to Los Angeles on holiday with Cristiano but she’s been busy at work (?????????). They are taking things slowly."
What's the Truth?
*Daily Star, 16/06/2009: "Dolores liked Nereida and was certain she was going to be the one. After they broke up Dolores kept in touch with her and tried to help her get over him. Then she told Cristiano to apologise to Nereida, and told Nereida to forgive her son," the pal said.
The Mirror, 27/09/2008: "Nereida blames Ronaldo's mum Dolores for the break-up."There were some problems with his family as they were a little jealous," she said."He's very manipulated by his mother and she was always very protective towards him, which is normal. "But she never called me to try to sort things out."
Posted by Plus Size Wag at 20:55
Monday, June 8, 2009
No Magazine Wants To Put Plus Size Nereida Cellulite On The Cover!
The wannabe glamour model Nereida Gallardo, ex of Manchester United ace Cristiano Ronaldo, tried to make us believe she has modelling career plans. "I'm going to appear in a Spanish men’s magazine", she announced to Portuguese press on January. We're still waiting for...
Posted by Plus Size Wag at 20:27