Glamour Model Niki Ghazian Linked To Soccer Star Cristiano Ronaldo

According to page six Persian model Niki Ghazian hooked up with Cristiano Ronaldo while he was in town for the ESPY awards. In an exclusive interview with, confirmed that the rumour was true.
Nik Richie: Niki, welcome to TheDirty. I followed your career a bit, you’re quite the LA socialite but please introduce yourself to the Dirty Army. Give us a few highlights of your career.
Niki Ghazian: You guys have an Army? Can I join? Where do I enlist? (Laughs) Um, my career? Well, I’ve been modeling for years now. I’ve been in FHM more than once, and I’m a Lingerie Bowl Player. I just got named in Cultural Mall’s 100 Most Beautiful Worldwide list this year which I’m pretty excited about. Do you want my whole resume? (Laughs)
Nik Richie: So you really are one of LA’s hottest socialites right now…
Niki Ghazian: I really just love the scene out here. I go out and have fun with my friends. I guess you could say that makes me a socialite. It’s not like I’m trying to be this socialite party girl - it just kind of happened. I was raised in LA my entire life! I grew up in Santa Monica so naturally I know everyone on the west side of Los Angeles and because of that everybody kind of knows me. And once my modeling career started taking off it took me to a whole new level. Seriously though, I’ve been partying in Hollywood with a fake ID since I was 17! That means I’ve been going to Area when it was still Prey and even before that when it was The Gate. I know all the owners, promoters and people on the scene. So sure, if that makes me a socialite.
Nik Richie: Does being a socialite automatically mean you sleep with a lot of celebs?
Niki Ghazian: God No! I just got out of a 3-year relationship! The opportunity is there but I’m not really like that. Living in LA you get used to being around famous people. I’m not like most of the girls here with implants who came from the Midwest and are trying to live out “The Hills”. Getting hit on by someone famous doesn’t faze me anymore. Even when I hosted a party for Pure in Vegas, I had Tom Brady was throwing one pass at me after another! (Laughs) He was inviting me to kick it with him! Don’t get me wrong - he’s hot but to be honest, he’s a complete tool! The first thing he says to me is “Hi, I’m Tom”. C’mon buddy, I think we all know who you are.
Nik Richie: Okay, let’s move on to the real reason you’re here. According to our sources at The Beverly Hills Hotel and Villa, you recently slept with a celebrity who was in town for the ESPY’s. Not just any celeb though - the second hottest celebrity! A soccer player? Cristiano Ronaldo?
Niki Ghazian: (Giggles) Yes, I can confirm that.
Nik Richie: Okay, maybe Cristiano Ronaldo ties with me for first. Give me all the Dirty details and don’t waste my time, Niki. I already know more than you think.
Niki Ghazian: Oh yeah? Then I’m sure you know it started Tuesday night where I was doing a red carpet event for Benchwarmer at Kress. After the event, I went over toVilla where my friend Sean promotes. I walked in and the first thing I saw was a table surrounded by gorgeous women. I mean he (Cristiano) doesn’t even need to hire security because at all times he is surrounded by an impermeable threshold of women. It’s impossible to get near him! Our mutual friend told me it was Cristiano Ronaldo’s table and asked me if I wanted to meet him. He led me through the hoard of girls and introduced me in front of all of them. I could feel all the girls eyes burning into my back as Cristiano asked me to sit down and started chatting with me. We hardly had time to get much of a conversation going before the other girls were trying their hardest to get me away from him. I’ve never been one to start a fight and it really wasn’t a huge deal to me so I said good-bye to him and made my way out of the crowd. I just figured i’d leave him to his slew of women that he would probably take home and have some sort of orgy. (Laughs) I walked over to the bar to join my girlfriends when Paris Hilton walked in and made a beeline for Cristiano’s table. I couldn’t believe the way he treated her! He literally turned his back on her. She looked like a moron and looked around to make sure no one saw her get dissed but everyone did! My girlfriend and I laughed a little and went back to our drinks. Then, before long, the club was nearing closing time and Cristiano got up on his crutches to come over to the bar to talk to me! The first thing I asked him was why he asked Paris to kick rocks. He explained to me that he likes curvy girls with tone and that he found Paris “gross”. We talked for a little longer and made arrangements to head elsewhere after.
Nik Richie: Then I have you spotted waiting in the reception area of the lobby of The Beverly Hills Hotel with him arriving shortly thereafter. Did you guys leave Villa separately?
Niki Ghazian: Yes, to avoid paparazzi. There’s always a million cameras outside Villa.
Nik Richie: When you two finally got to his suite, did you immediately ravage him?
Niki Ghazian: Ravage? (Laughs) Let’s just say I wasn’t the aggressor.
Nik Richie: So it was the other way around? Was he wearing a thong?
Niki Ghazian: (Laughs)
Nik Richie: When he wasn’t looking did you steal anything? I would! It’s the Beverly Hills hotel - I’m still trying to get one of their robes!
Niki Ghazian: You’re crazy, Nik!
Nik Richie: Niki, I have to know, aside from being the best soccer player in the world, are there any other hidden talents Ronaldo has?
Niki Ghazian: Nik, he’s gifted in many departments…
Nik Richie: Like the Greg department?
Niki Ghazian: Omg! Did you really just ask me that?
Nik Richie: People want to know these things. I send out pictures of my Master Greg upon request all the time!
Niki Ghazian: I’m sure you Photoshop it to make it look bigger!
Nik Richie: No, I have really small hands so it makes it look huge! Are Cristiano’s hands small?
Niki Ghazian: (Laughs) NO!
Nik Richie: Was he a nice guy? A little conceited maybe?
Niki Ghazian: He’s a nice guy. He’s actually very modest and soft-spoken.
Nik Richie: I’m told that you were seen leaving the Beverly Hills Hotel in the morning wearing the same outfit that you were shot wearing the night before. Can we still call it the “Walk of Shame” when it’s Cristiano Ronaldo’s room you’re leaving?
Niki Ghazian: (Laughs) No, it definitely didn’t feel shameful.
Nik Richie: That’s when the stolen robe would have come in handy!
Niki Ghazian: True, true! (Laughs)
Nik Richie: Did you guys see each other again after that night?
Niki Ghazian: Yes…
Nik Richie: I know you were spotted with him again on Friday. Tell me about that.
Niki Ghazian: Let’s just say I’ve had a great time. He’s a cool guy.
Nik Richie: Fine. Is there anything else you’d like to share with the Dirty Army? Any tips for the girls out there who want to catch someone like Cristiano or myself? Do you want a picture of my Master Greg?
Niki Ghazian: Actually, I have a message for Emporio Armani. They made a HUGE mistake signing David Beckham for their underwear campaign. Cristiano is way hotter, younger and has a better body that’s not littered with tattoos! For a good catch? Do squats and sit-ups. The toothpick bobble head look is not hot! Guys want a girl with a figure.
Nik Richie: Okay, okay…well, thank you so much and congratulations on being the first American girl to conquer Cristiano. Every girl in the world, including Paris Hilton, is jealous of you at this moment. How does it feel?
Niki Ghazian: Fabulous!